Saturday, March 3, 2012


Lamar Odom dodges thee D-League demotion..........Dam!!!!....Due to the Mavs recent barrage of freak injuries, Mr. Lamar "(L)ick (A) (M)amba's (A)ss (R)idiculously" Odom doesn't have to go now. But after all of his annoying whining...... They should play this little girl for 40 straight minutes.............. The NBA is turning into a cry babies basinet. And whether people want to admit it or not, it all started with "your airness" MJ. And now every pre-madona 6th man and 3rd string waterboy thinks they're someone special.... This is a business little boy!!!! It's just neatlt packaged and cleverly disguised as a game for the fans to enjoy. But the moment an all-star begins to forget that it's a business first (which is impossible when they get paid) I believe he should automatically be shipped to the D-League with no pay as a reminder. Shape up or ship out. I guess the more you play with balls, the smaller yours get.

1 comment:

  1. wow! I didn't realize they were letting him go to the d league after he took time off to be with his father who was sick.
