Saturday, March 10, 2012


Lopez entered the ring with less flash and bravado this time. As opposed to the fit fight where he had pyrotechnics and all kinds of flare to bring him to the ring.

I guess when you're coming to regain what you feel is rightfully yours, there's no time for flash.

Salido has agreed to have the rematch in the former champs hometown which is rare.... But slide says, "I took the title here, and I'll retain it here."

*********************** ROUND 1 ************************
Salido putting on the pressure and Lopez countered intelligently while establishing the jab. Lopez caught with a decent left hook. But i give the first round to Lopez...... Tank's score 10-9 Lopez.

********************************************* ROUND 2 **************************

Salido attacked viciously hitting Lopez with a few hard punches to start the round. Salido dominated the round throwing big punches with bad intentions and steady pressure. Lopez closed the round with a good flurry, but looked very intimidated in that round.......... Tanks score 10-9 Salido.
Fight even 19-19

********************************************* ROUND 3 ***************************
Lopez looks like a beaten man mentally...... he wants to box, but his punches have no snap. And his jabs are lazy. And for some reason, he refuses to put his right hand up which has been inviting the Saliso left hand. And Salido is delivering........ Tanks score 10-9 Salido
Fight 29-28 Salido

******************************************** ROUND 4 ****************************

A round where Lopez got back into rhythm but was still out punched by Salido..... I do believe Lopez won the round though...... Tanks score 10-9 Lopez
Fight 38-38 even

******************************************** ROUND 5 ****************************

Lopez catches salido with a hard right hook sending him to the canvas when Salido had Lopez badly hurt.................... Tanks score 10-8 Lopez
Fight 48-46 Lopez

******************************************** ROUND 6 ****************************

After a few warnings in previous rounds for low blows, Salido starts off the round with another flirting with a point deduction...... An action packed round where Lopez kept salido at bay a little. but Salido still put the pressure on and bullied Lopez this round...... Tanks score 10-9 Salido
Fight 57-56 Lopez

******************************************* ROUND 7 *****************************

Bombs from Salido continue to land due to defensive immaturity by Lopez. Lopez closed the round with some precise punching from the proper distance, but the round was primarily dominated by Lopez getting caught by looping lefts and rights by Salido... Tanks score 10-9 Salido
Fight 66-66 tied

******************************************* ROUND 8 *****************************

Both fighters tucked their heads and went toe-to-toe. Lopez was the aggressor and it was a brawl for it all in this round. Salido was the better inside fighter, but Lopez touched him alot more being in close..... Tanks score 10-9 Salido
Fight 76-75 Salido

******************************************* ROUND 9 *****************************

Back in the trenches.... Lopez digging hard..... Committed to the body through the whole round.... salido landed a few uppercuts and decent counters, but Lopez put on the pressure......... ONE OF THE BEST ROUNDS I'VE SEEN THIS YEAR!!!!!!! Tanks score 10-9 Salido
Fight 86-84 tie

******************************************* ROUND 10 ****************************
The round started and ended just as quick. The fighters met in the middle, and Salido unleashed a barrage of solid uppercuts that put Lopez down. He made it to his feet, if he knew exactly what his feet were..... he was wobbly and the referee stopped the fight.


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